We are proud to launch one of India's largest hackathons in AI/ML and Blockchain with prizes worth INR 10 Lacs up for grabs!!! Just answer 25 MCQs and take your first step in this hackathon. We have created an Icertis WhatsApp help group. The link to the same is https://chat.whatsapp.com/JNUSv9H5Nj3IOYx9zA2e9J. We encourage you to join the group.
We have an exclusive help video for you on how to go about with your solution. Please click below: https://icertis365-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/harshad_oak_icertis_com/ERQLtpKJ7qBHrD0ZgsIRJREBi-eg-JipzSJb0ONIZR6jXA?e=37s1L6 |