
Monday 26 December 2022

Top tech leaders and influencers eagerly apply for the hottest job in IT industry | Flipkart launches moonlighting policy, allows employees to take up second sidejob

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Monday, 26th December 2022
Top tech leaders and influencers eagerly apply for the hottest job in IT industry
Flipkart launches moonlighting policy, allows employees to take up second sidejob
5 Psychological hacks to impress the hiring manager in a job interview
Why Bill Gates is not happy with Elon Musk's management style
Microsoft accidentally reveals the expected look of Windows 12
80% of future smartphones will be 5G-enabled in India by 2023
Why employees are boldly declaring their layoffs on social media
Intel splits graphic chips unit to 'evolve' its business structure
Google's plans for Pixel phone for next 3 years leaked
Demand for high-skill tech talent on contract grows by 105% in a year

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