
Friday 9 December 2022

How to utilise your Analytics, AI, and ML expertise to save the world


Safeguarding World Trade Markets through Analytics, AI, and ML on Cloud

15 Nov, 2022 at 03:00 PM

Ramesh Gharmalkar

Senior Director of Engineering

Mayuresh Gulavani

Group Manager of Engineering

Nitin Vats


Amar Bhandari

Senior Product

Hi Suyog Ahuja,

We invite you to a session to Understand Holistic Compliance, Role of Market Surveillance in Compliance Portfolio, Understand the engineering solution to the scale, monitoring, and reliability needs


Market surveillance is a focal point of regulatory scrutiny. Regulators worldwide have become more aggressive in investigating and bringing enforcement actions, fines, and sanctions against firms with inadequate compliance procedures and systems.... Read more

Key points of discussion

Understand Holistic Compliance

Compliance Life Cycle

Role of Market Surveillance in Compliance Portfolio... Read more


Ramesh Gharmalkar

Senior Director of Engineering, NICE

Ramesh is an Engineering leader leading Communication Compliance, Financial Market Compliance, Trade Recording, and... Read more

Mayuresh Gulavani

Group Manager of Engineering, NICE

Mayuresh is a Group Manager leading the RnD team for Market Surveillance products within the Financial Market... Read more

Nitin Vats

Product Owner, NICE

Nitin is a Product Owner with proficiency in building B2B products in Financial Services, Insurance, and Healthcare domai... Read more

Amar Bhandari

Senior Product Manager, NICE

Amar is a Senior Product Manager of Market Surveillance and Conflicts solutions within the Financial Market Compliance line of... Read more

Warm Regards,
Team TechGig

Times Center, FC - 6, Sector 16 A, Film City,
Noida - 201301, Uttar Pradesh, India

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