
Sunday 23 October 2022

Win upto 10,00,000 worth of prizes | Participate now

speaker Presented by speaker
22nd Aug 2022 - 24th Oct 2022
Hi Suyog Ahuja,

Do you have great coding skills and want to showcase them in the biggest diversity event in India? Come, join Geek Goddess 2022! Participate in the coding challenge and gain recognition as the best female programmer - '#GeekGoddess' apart from great cash prizes.
Participate Now
Coding Champion (Individual)
1st Runner up
2nd Runner up
3rd Runner up
4th Runner up
Get Recognition at
the National Level
Engage with Top Women
Leaders in Technology
e-certificate with All India
Rank for All Coders

Participate Now
Happy Coding!

Team TechGig

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