
Wednesday, 24 August 2022

TCS ends WFH; asks employees to return to offices | US may not hold a second H-1B visa lottery for FY23

Daily Newsletter
Wednesday, 24th August 2022
TCS ends WFH; asks employees to return to offices
US may not hold a second H-1B visa lottery for FY23
MIT, Harvard and more - Top 5 universities in the world to study engineering
Accenture and Mindtree are looking for full-stack developers in India
These 7 countries will soon get an IIT campus
Foreign IT giants under govt radar over anti-competitive practices
Bun.js - A new framework is here to replace Node.js
Apple plans to make iPhone 14 In India, here's why
Top 5 Python job interview questions you should prepare for
Netflix is hiring techies for its cloud gaming venture
Wipro plans to give salary hikes and promotions every quarter

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