
Monday, 1 August 2022

Genpact is looking for experienced software engineers in India | Top online courses offered by Harvard University for techies

Daily Newsletter
Tuesday, 2nd August 2022
Genpact is looking for experienced software engineers in India
Top online courses offered by Harvard University for techies
Amazon reduces headcount by 1 lakh as the workforce stabilises
World Wide Web Day - Why is it critical for small businesses to have a website
L&T is hiring freshers and experienced engineers in India
Top 5 smartphones that are launching in August
Apple is hiring techies for multiple job roles at Hyderabad location
IT Ministry blocked 1482 websites in 2022
5 Smartphones that revolutionised the smartphone market with innovative designs
OnePlus 10T will launch in India on August 3; everything we know
Top five programming languages for gig workers
Vimal Kapur elevated as President and COO of Honeywell
Instagram rolls back new features after major backlash

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