
Tuesday 4 January 2022

Listen to 'Ranjit Tinaikar' CEO - NESS Digital Engg. on emerging digital technologies

LIVE WEBINAR January 06, 2022 03:00 PM
Hosted by: Ranjit Tinaikar - CEO- Ness Digital Engineering, Ness Digital Engineering
What it takes to be Digital Disruptors
Hi Suyog Ahuja
We invite you to a FREE Webinar session on the What it takes to be Digital Disruptors
About Webinar: Digital disruption is a transformation that is caused by emerging digital technologies and business models. These innovative new technologies and models can impact the value of existing products and services offered in the industry. In this session, you will understand how technology is transforming industries and how leaders and organizations can respond.
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During this FREE Webinar, speaker will discuss:
  • Moving from Product Centric to Product and Service Centric approach
  • Moving to Customer Centric approach â€" Experience led Design
  • Data Driven Hyper Personalization Models
  • With these need to Reimagine the complete “Customer Journeys” to WOW customer experience.
Speaker Details:
Ranjit Tinaikar
CEO- Ness Digital Engineering, Ness Digital Engineering
Book Your Seat
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