
Friday 6 August 2021

It's raining jobs! Indian companies are hiring IT professionals | Participate in these contests to get a job in TCS and Hexaware

Daily Newsletter
Saturday, 7th August 2021
It's raining jobs! Indian companies are hiring IT professionals
Participate in these contests to get a job in TCS and Hexaware
Specialise in data science, AI, cloud, or full-stack via this online MCA program
HCL Tech, Wipro, Infosys, TCS to hire 60,000 women employees from campuses
RedMonk releases programming language ranking list for first half of 2021
Wipro vs HCL: Which is a better workplace for techies
5 Best online data science courses offered by top US universities
Weekend Wrap! Everything new in the gadgets market
Your resume matters: 3 Pro-tips to make your resume stand out!
Indian IT employers offering high bonuses to employees
How to build a successful career in AI and ML
HCL rises as fourth-largest IT company by market cap
IIT Patna is offering an online course on Big Data via NPTEL
Xiaomi beats Samsung to become the biggest smartphone brand in the world
Major feat: Hiring in the Indian IT job sector touches a 5 year high

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