Banking / Finance experience(MUST)o Our projects go through rigorous VA processes internally and we expect senior candidates to have experience working on VA issues , regulatory etc
• Large/Medium projects
o The projects we currently have span across years and with a team size of minimum 12 and interaction with multiple stakeholders
• Reference Apps to have Aesthetic UI/Following standards such as HIG/Material design
o Though design is subjective it is still worth looking at reference projects if they have followed the standards.
• For Lead profiles should have Minimum of 7 years exp
- 4+ years of experience in with experience in Webservices.
- Strong communication and interpersonal skills required
- Experience in full stack development would be advantage
- Ability to face and give solutions independently to customers is a must.
If interested, please mail to
Details to be filled
Full Name( according to certificat es):
Father name:
Present Location & Pin code:
Interested location(Chennai):
Passport n umbe r&expired date
Total exp:
Relavan exp ::
Current Salary:
Expected Salary:
Present company nam e:
Present employment (Contract/Permanent):
Qualification & year of pass ing:
Present address & pin code(for uploading profiles in web site):
If contra ct mention your parent company name :
Notice period(OFFICIAL):
Can you join Immediate(yes/no):
Pan card number (Mandatory):
Reason fo r chang e :
Able to Attend F2F on Location(Weekdays):
Skype ID