b) Current Pin Code:
c) Present Cost to Company:
d) Expected Cost to Comapany:
E) Highest Regular Qualification:
e) Total Exp (in Months):-
Exp In .Net -
Exp in MVC, if any (in months):
Exp in WPF, if any (in months):
Exp in WCF, if any (in months):
f) Present Company Name & Location:
g) Name of Contract Company (if on Contract Basis):
g) Joining Time Desired (Notice Period):
h) Date of Birth (MANDATORY):
i) Your Surname (if not mentioned in the profile):
J) Pan Card Number (Mandatory):
As the No of Reqmts are large in various Skills, you can Forward this mail to your Friends/ Known ones who might also be Interested for this
Reply ASAP
Thanks & Regards,
Mukul Consultants India Pvt Ltd
E-mail: 4.mukulconsultants@gmail.com
WEB : www.executivesearch-india.com