
Friday, 13 May 2016

Does your profile contain the words recruiters are looking for? ®
India's No.1 Job Site
Does your profile contain
the words recruiters are
looking for?
Dear Sudheendra Krishna,
Did you know that every month recruiters constantly search for right candidates on Naukri .com for new job openings? Recruiters then email or call lakhs of candidates who meet their requirements.

Not all jobs are advertized on Certain recruiters prefer to contact jobseekers themselves by searching for them on Naukri .com. These searches are made on the Naukri .com profile you have created with us.

Three fields that matter the most to the recruiters are Resume Headline, Key-Skills and your Current Designation. This is the snippet that recruiters see when they search for your profile.
The information you enter will appear to recruiters similar to the example
So make sure that your profile you registered with naukri .com contains the right Resume Headline, Key-Skills and your Current Designation.
Resume Headline
Current Designation
Key skills
Update your profile
We wish you good luck in your Job search.

Thanks & Regards,
Naukri .com Team
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